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Creatures in the Botanical Gardens

Updated: Feb 2

There's something different about this blog entry. Usually, I talk about the actual animals that I take photos of. However, today, I kind of just felt like photo-dumping. I don't know why.

Anyways, I go to Singapore very often, at least once a year. I go there mainly to see my grandparents and just see what's up with Singapore. Also, it's always a tradition to go for an Indian-styled dinner. Roti prata, banana leaf dishes, etc. Not only that, but it was also always a tradition to go fetch some ice cream. But, there's something different about this ice cream.

It's a sandwich... wrapped in bread! (It tastes REALLY GOOD).

Ice cream bread

Another tradition is to always visit the Botanical Gardens. It's a beautiful place and it's kinda just the place where I can just... exist. I go there with my dad and brother all the time. Usually, I take a walk around the gardens or just sit on the benches near the pond.

However, I mainly go there for the diverse species of animals! The first one I saw were some common red ear slider's!

Turtle at the Singapore Botanic Gardens

It was kind of nice just sitting and watching them gracefully float around. It was also super awesome that none of the turtles were actually scared of us. I even got to lure one in with my hand to take a better photo.

Feeding turtles

Turtle swimming
Up close photo of a red-eared slider

You can see the distinct red ears on both sides of its head.

Moreover, I've been coming to the Botanical Gardens for years, and I've never ever seen a single rooster until this time.

It really just came out of nowhere. I heard some noises, looked around, and all of a sudden there he was.

Rooster looking around

Picture of a rooster

He was kind of just sitting there, y'know. I don't think he was very interested in me or my camera. My dad and brother just walked right by this rooster and left me behind! I was kind of upset, but it was worth it.

I've never ever seen this animal either...


This is a skink, and it was my first time seeing one. The way I saw this skink was kind of funny. I had just finished taking my picture of the rooster and I started running back towards my dad and brother (since they left me behind), and I saw this lady taking pictures of the ground. I was a bit curious as to what she was taking a photo of so I got a bit closer, and I saw the skink.

I never would have seen it if it weren't for the lady. Anyways, she was lovely, and she was kind enough to educate me about the skink and actually tell me that it was a skink.


Now that I'm writing this, I'm realizing that it's really really pretty, especially with that beautiful orange stripe covering the side of its body.

As my brother, my dad, and I continued on, we encountered many more cool animals.

Upside down bird

Bird by the water

Bird by the water

(This one above is a personal favorite)

Dragonfly on a leaf

(Those green eyes look like one of those alien things you see in kids movies)

Enough photos. It was time to start heading back to the apartment, until we saw this monster.

Water monitor lizard
Water monitor lizard

This water monitor lizard (which we mistook for a Komodo Dragon until an Australian person corrected us. Moral of the story, when confused about nature, go ask an Australian person) was a literal beast. Definitely bigger than all three of my dogs at home. It looks like something out of Jurassic Park.

Here are some more photos of this beast.

Water monitor lizard swimming

Komodo dragon swimming

We saw more and more lizards as we kept on moving! This is the CLOUDED monitor lizard.


I'm pretty sure they are two different species of monitor lizards but I'm not sure. I only saw these smaller clouded monitor lizards on land. Here's another photo of it looking at us menacingly.


One thing I definitely noticed about these lizards is that they literally do not care how close you are to them. They'll mind their own business. It's like they've adapted to humans being so close to them. Maybe that's a good thing, or maybe it's bad, but it sure is cool being so close to one of these lizards.

Lizard walking

Here's one last photo. I'm putting this last image here solely because I got a picture at the exact moment it stuck its tongue out.

Lizard with its tongue out

Anyways, this whole trip was so cool. I've been to the Botanical Gardens many many times, but I've never had this much fun. Maybe it's because I'm older and can actually appreciate nature more now. Or, maybe it's because I had a camera and wanted to take some dope pictures, and now that I got said dope pictures, the trip was declared "fun".

Either way it doesn't matter. What matters is the memory of this trip, and I'm sure I won't forget it.



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